
Knows the Area, Connected, Professional, Personable & Responsive

We met Michele Redman at an open house and immediately decided that she would be our Realtor assisting us with a home purchase. Her knowledge of the area around Plymouth, Maple Grove, and the entire west side of MPLS was invaluable. But more importantly, she has a keen eye for property details that helped us understand the quality differences between properties. It really allowed us to make some educated financial decisions. As the buyer, the price we paid for our property included the compensation for our Real Estate Agent. We wanted to work with a Realtor who provided high value throughout the purchasing process and who earned the commission that we paid. Michele was available at all times of the day and night to show properties, negotiate our deal, process all the paperwork, and make our closing perfect. Additionally, Michele is connected in the community and we relied on her to refer inspectors, carpet cleaners, window washers, hardwood floor cleaners, sprinkler service, snow plowing, and garage door companies. I've even emailed her post closing for a referral to other maintenance people. I would tell anybody to work with Michele. Don't trust a significant investment to just any Realtor...Michele Redman is the best! - Mark F.